Wednesday, July 29, 2009

White Mountians

We went camping at Lyman Lake State Park this weekend. Lyman Lake is by the white mountians, about a 4 1/2 hr drive from our house. It was a lot of fun. The lake wasn't as swimmable as we would have liked. You will see the brown goo below. The boys and dogs all had a blast. Masen even slept through the night for the first time.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Difference a Day Makes

Yesterday we had babies... Today little men. In the past 24 hours Masen sprouted 2 teeth, Parker sprouted 1 tooth. Parker learned how to get on all fours and is ready to crawl. Parker can now go from his belly, to all fours, to sitting up. He can also hold himself standing up on furniture and even tried to pull himself to a stand in the bathtub. He also slept from 7:45pm last night till 3am today. He has been waking up every 2 hours later so we were so happy to get a little longer snooze in. Hopefully we keep it up and get more sleep tonight, lord knows I need it!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fun times in Florida

Matt took a trip to Vegas last weekend to see the UFC fight so Parker and I headed to Florida to have some fun in the sun. We left after work last Wednesday and landed in Ft. Lauderdale at Midnight. Parker was a trooper and did wonderfully on the plane, and in Florida. He didn't mind the time change and adjusted really well. We stayed with our friend John who had spent the day on Wednesday moving into a new apartment, so we took it easy on Thursday while John finished getting the last of his stuff. John's new apartment was AMAZING!! He now lives on a Marina right next to the Ft. Lauderdale airport. His apartments are a combo apartment/corporate suite/marina and is set up like a resort. When you walk out of John's apartment you turn the corner and are on the water with boats all around. A few more steps take you to the pool, clubhouse, and the Marina Bar & Grill. The pool is a clover shaped pool with little gargolyes spouting water in the center and a mini white sand beach. The clubhouse is 10,000 sq feet and has a mini movie theater, business center, gym, raquetball court, and my favorite... The all day free coffee bar!!!! Parker and I spent most mornings by the pool with Parker eating breakfast while I enjoyed my coffee. And, with the bar and grill next door we could enjoy happy hour right on the water. Parker had his first beach adventure and seemed to enojoy it. He really liked to play in the sand, but wasn't so sure about the waves. The ocean was pretty choppy and even when I was standing knee deep the waves would splash up to our faces. I would have to lift Parker above my head which scared him. We flew home on Sunday morning, Parker did pretty well, but he did show off his voice with his little schreech. I thought it was pretty cute but I don't know about everyone esle on the plane. Well, our little boy is getting pretty big. He can go from sitting up to his belly and can almost get on his knees to crawl. He can scoot in circles, and go backwards. He can't figure out forwards but it will be any day now. He doesn't have any teeth but I think he may have a lower one waiting in the gums. Parker eats very well, and is starting to eat meats and chunky food. He had chicken for the first time last night. He was not very fond of it, but I will try it again and see how he does. Parker has a lot of friends and has had some play dates. He loves to interact with other kids. His brother Masen is getting big as well. Masen is 4 months old and is learning to sit up. Masen is a very mobile baby and loves to be on his belly and inch around. He may even crawl before Parker!!! The boys are getting to the point that they can, and do, steal toys from each other. I hope you are all enjoying your summer as much as we are!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July!!!

Happy 4th of July!!! I hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday! We have a had a wonderful weekend. We started our weekend celebrating my Birthday on Friday by tubing down the Salt River. It was a blast!!! We lost 5 pairs of sunglasses, 2 pairs of shoes, 1 wedding ring, but we made up for it by finding 2 beers in the river. And, most importantly, we all made it to the end. We all woke up on Saturday in the holiday spirit with our RED sunburn, WHITE skin where the sun didn't shine, and BLUE bruises from banging against the river rocks. After investing in massive amounts of aloe we celebrated our friend Shanes 1st birthday at Peter Piper Pizza where Parker rode on a carosel for the first time. We then had Shane and his parents over for dinner and some poker last night. I am proud to say that the 2 least experianced poker players cleaned house yesterday, that would be me and Daisha :) We were able to see the fireworks from our roof, but Parker and Masen were already asleep. Shane stayed awake and kept saying Wow!! As I said, a wonderful weekend. Now we are getting ready for vacation!! On Wednesday Matt leaves for Vegas while Parker and I head to Ft. Lauderdale to visit our friend John. I can't wait to take PJ to the beach and let him swim in the ocean.
From Left to Right:
Matt, Becca, Bill, Cherie, Amanda, Daniel and me in front.
Cherie was trying to save the beer from the rapids