Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Day in the Life of a Crazy Kid!

Wow...what a day today!!! We started off by meeting Parker's twin, Peyton, at the park for a playdate. I call them twins because Peyton is only 4 days older than Parker, and although they do not look identical, they are both of norwigian decent and you can tell! Even though they are the same age, Peyton has been walking for a few months already. Peyton was cruising all over the place, but crawling didn't make Parker fall behind (Dad gives him 3 weeks to walk before he trades him in!!) Parker is a playground pro and crawls up the stairs, across the bridges, and hits the slides head first. He even goes down the big twisty slide head first! The boys had a lot of fun playing on the toys, in the sand, and sharing an afternoon snack.
Daddy had dinner ready when we got home and Parker didn't hesitate to start throwing his food on the floor. He is even throwing two handed now. He got a couple of good shots in hitting both me and the dogs before I took his tray away. As cute as it is, I am ready for this phase to be over with.
After dinner I took Parker upstairs for a bath. Parker LOVES his bathtime!!! I turned the water on to warm it up and then turned around to change my shirt when I hear a THUD!!! I looked over my shoulder to see Parker crawling in the tub, fully clothed diaper and all with the water still running. He has tried to lean over the tub to grab toys and has almost gone over head first, but this was the first time he crawled into the tub on his own.
Matt's Mom says that it used to take 2 people to change Matt's diaper, and I think he passed that down to his son. Parker thinks running away when I'm trying to change his diaper or clothes is hillarious. I have to hold his top half down with one hand and fasten the diaper with the other, or just let him take off naked. Naked is the easiest and usually wins. Parker did his naked runaway and stood at the gate at the top of the stairs trying to stick his legs through to get out. I wrangled him in his room for some naked baby storytime and eventually got him lubed up with lotion, diapered, and even pajamas on. Talk about a feat!!!
To top off the night Parker helped me make a dessert for a pot luck at work tomorrow. We are trying a new recipe called brownie cheesecake swirl. So far the batter has been very yummy!
Well, this is the end of a very long, very fun, very productive day. I wish all days could be like this.
Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!!!

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