Friday, April 11, 2008

The Beginning of the Gilbertson Family

As my friend Kelly said, "I passed the test!" Actually, I passed it twice because I didn't believe it the first time. I took the first test during a middle of the night bathroom break since I didn't want to be disappointed by another negative result. And after 2 1/2 years of false maybe's, one more was one more than I could handle. By some miracle it wasn't negative!! There were two, counted them many times, two pink lines. I of course woke Matt up with the test thrust into his face and my phone trying to light it so he could see. I still have the test on the bathroom counter so I can double check when I'm feeling this isn't real. There is still the chance that the tests could be wrong, but sincerly hope not. We have our first doctor's appointment on Monday, and everything points to a mid-December due date. We are so excited!!!! pregnancy

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