Monday, August 3, 2009

Un viaje bueno a México

Here are some pictures from this weekend. We had a blast in Rocky Point with the Falcones. It was a quick trip, we left Friday after work and got home yesterday afternoon. It's just over 200 miles so close enough for a weekend but still a drive. Parker is a trooper as always. We tried to keep him awake so he would nap on the drive down, but that backfired. He was so tired he didn't want to sleep. It took 100 miles, but sleep won in the end and we made it to Mexico safe and sound. We spent Saturday at the beachfront pool of the condo owned by Anthony's Dad and Uncle. We spent a good 5 hours either in the pool or the ocean. Parker loved the pool and the sand. He still isn't a fan of being in the waves, but he enjoyed sitting on the shore and having the tide come around his feet. He also enjoyed eating the sand! We set up a pack n' play under an umbrella and PJ took his nap poolside while we stayed and played. It was funny watching the security guards and other pool goers walk by this baby sleeping next to the pool all by himself. They would look at PJ a little shocked and then look around trying to find his parents. We didn't go far, we just stayed in the pool which was in eye and earshot. We called it a day early, but not early enough. Matt must have gotten a little sun poisoning. He looks like a lobster and hasn't felt well the past few days. Hopefully that goes away quickly. We planned our return trip around Parker's naptime, and it worked perfectly. PJ slept most of the way home and we made it home by 2:30 in the afternoon. After unpacking, we headed out and bought Parker his big boy carseats. He has gotten big enough that he outweighs his infant carseat, and the straps are starting to leave marks on his neck. I can't belive my baby is so big already!! He is almost 8 months old!!!
Parker can't crawl yet, but he is a champ at scooting backwards and getting stuck.
(If you look close you can see his tooth here too) Parker' pre-pool nap Parker's poolside nap. This is Adrian's old playpen and he wanted to crawl in and join Parker.
Adrian won't wear his own hat, but thought Parker's was pretty cool.
Of course, Parker wouldn't wear it.
Just Chillin
The first part of the pool was only 2ft deep which was perfect for the kids to hang out while the Mom's watched. It was deep enough Parker could float, but he could touch if he was out of his floaty. The kid liked toting him around, and the Mom' s like the break.
The boy's taking a break.
PJ & Daddy swimming together
Ashley, Parker, Lil' Anthony, & Adrian
The Falcone kids are so good with Parker.
The lil kids took a break while the big kids enjoyed the pool.
Parker LOVED Mexico!!!!

1 comment:

megan said...

aww, cass he is so adorable, i just want to eat him up! what kind of carseat did you end up getting? i'll e-mail you in a bit, his tooth is so cute :)