Saturday, November 28, 2009

The 1st Thanksgiving (for Parker at least)

I am very thankful for my family, my friends, and most of all my amazing little boy. He makes our life complete in every way, and makes the holiday so much more fun! We had a very low key Thanksgiving this year. We had a store bought Thanksgiving dinner so that we could spend more time with friends and family, and less time cooking and cleaning. Our festivities started on Wednesday night when Cherie and Masen came over to play.
The airplane is a favorite of all of the boys.
My turn, My turn!
On Thanksgiving we had some friends and family over to our house. Jeff and Kelly came over with their 1 month old baby Wyatt. My Mom, Grandma, and my little brother Cameron came over too. We had a really good dinner from Basha's and sat in front of the TV watching football. It was fun and relaxing and oh so yummy!
Mom, Grandma, Parker, & Wyatt
Sweet baby Wyatt, 1 month & 1 day old
On Friday we met my Cousin Johnny, his girlfriend JJ and thier baby Jaya at the park so the kids could play. Jaya is 5 months old.
Parker LOVES to go down the slide. He crawls up the stairs on his own, crawls to the slide, stretches out like superman and away he goes! He slows down enough at the end to crawl off on his own and do it all over again.
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy the up coming holiday season!


megan said...

that is SO cute! Ava loves the slide too! happy thanksgiving!

sabbott said...

Parker is sooo cute! And CONGRATS on baby #2!