Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Baby's first Kick

Week 17 Stats:
Baby Weight: 3 1/2 oz
Baby Length:
4 1/2 inches
My weight:
Well, we took some time off for the holiday weekend and went camping in Santa Fe, NM. Matt's parents flew in to Albuquerque on Thursday July 3rd, and we drove and met them on Thursday night. We brought the dogs with us so they could visit the grandparents too. We stayed in a hotel in ABQ on Thursday and then drove to Santa Fe on Friday. We rented a couple of camping cabins north of Santa Fe for the weekend. It was beautiful. The weather was great, the sceanery was beautiful, overall a great weekend. Friday night we followed the locals to an Albertson's parking lot to watch the fireworks and eat ice cream. This was the first time I've seen fireworks in a long time so it was pretty fun. We did some sight seeing in Santa Fe on Saturday and Sunday. We saw some fun buildings, 3 churches, and the Georgia O'Keefe museum. After a wonderful weekend, Jim and Sandy flew home and we made the trek back to Tucson. This was a trip for the recordbooks.... a road trip through New Mexico with no car problems.
On to the baby news...
Week 17 brings some exciting things. First, my belly has definitely grown. It is very fun for me to be able to see my bump, and also for others to see it as well. I can still fit in my own clothes, but most non-stretchy clothes get a little uncomfortable by the end of the day. Most maternity clothes are still to big so I wear a lot of dresses. Second, our kid is a kicker. The baby moved for the first time at the dentist office on 6/25, the second time was on Saturday night (7/5), again on Sunday, and last night the baby wasn't happy just moving and began kicking. I know it's early, but it is not a fluttering like the books say you feel. It is a definite thunk. This morning the baby was kicking for a couple of hours. I LOVE IT!!!! Matt thinks it's just air bubbles, but no... it's our kid. Matt isn't as excited as I am, but he says he will be more excited when he can feel the baby move too. Lastly, we have decided to switch doctors. There is a free standing birth center in Tucson with certified nurse midwives. We have decided that we will be happier and more comfortable with midwives who are with you throughout the whole pregnancy as well as birth. We are going to try for an all natural delivery, probably a hypnobirth, and maybe even a water birth. With our current ob office, I have seen a nurse practioner twice, an x-ray tech once, an a doctor that is not my doctor once. I love my doctor, but I haven't seen her since I've been pregnant and I'm not quite comfortable with that. We have our first appointment with the midwives on Thursday, should they not meet our expectations we still have an appt with the ob on Friday, but I'm pretty sure I'll stick with the midwives.
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend!!!

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