Sunday, July 27, 2008

Our first kids

Our 20 week ultrasound is tomorrow. We also have our childbirth choices class at the birthcenter tomorrow. We are SOOOOO excited!!! Or at least I am, Matt is not very emotional but you can tell the reality of the pregnancy is setting in. He now will come up and touch my belly and give me a kiss for no reason. We have also bought some Berts bees Mama Bee Belly Butter to keep from getting stretch marks. Matt gets to rub the belly butter on each day and that is his time to talk to the baby. I talk to the baby all day long, I think it's important that Matt gets a little conversation in there too. Matt is fine with it and I think that it will allow the baby to get to know his voice in a soothing matter and not just his conversastion voice that he uses around the house.
I will update with the new ultrasound picture and a new belly picture on Tuesday. For now I want to update on the other 2 members of our house. I was told our title should be "And baby Makes Five...", which it should. Avery and Isabella are very important, and very spoiled, members of our family. Our move to Arizona has been as happy for the dogs as it has for us. We were a little worried about Avery in the heat since she would hide from the Wisconsin sun, but she loves it here. She spends a lot of time laying in the sun on the patio. It is great when we are able to have the doors open (every season but summer) so the dogs are able to come in and out as they please. It's a little difficult in the summer because the dogs don't realize they are dogs and have to go outside when they are offered. Avery is ok, but Bella is more concerned about playing they going outside to do her business. Our dogs have been treated like our kids and they are very unhappy when they are treated like dogs. If we shut them outside, even when we leave the house, Isabella sits and cries a high pitch howl for hours. The dogs have also figured out how to open the door from the outside so they let themselves in when we try to shut them out, even when we are outside. It's only a problem when the A/C is on since they do not close the door after themselves.
Along with the yard and sun, the dogs have made some very good friends. Our friend Ennen moved here 5 months after us with his doberman Emma. Our neighbor, Cherie, also has a dalmation who is part of our extended family. With Cherie and Doja (the dog) living next door, we have pretty much begun co-habitating at both houses. All 4 dogs join in all celebrations, which can get pretty loud with the dogs all barking. We also live close to a dog park that we go to often. Avery is pretty independant and doesn't really play with the other dogs, but Bella is a social butterfly. She is the life of the party the minute she enters the yard and is so tired by the time we leave she is out for hours when we get home (she is asleep on the tile right now).
Some people are worried about bringing babies around their pets, we have absolutely no fears. We have had many kids in our home and the dogs love them. We have also had 5 month twins overnight before. The twins were not used to our house and didn't sleep much so they spent a good portion of the night in our bed with the dogs. The dogs got a little irritated with the boys crawling on them and playing with their tales, but they didn't growl or snap. They just gave me puppy dog eyes and let the boys do as they please. The dogs have also been part of putting the baby's room together and smelling everything. I'm sure it will take a while for the dogs to get used to having the baby here all the time, and the loss of attention they will recieve. However, Matt likes dogs better than people and he will probably prefer to take care of the dogs than the baby :)
Well, it's getting late and I have a big day tomorrow. Let's hope we have a modest baby that will not give us peep show tomorrow so we can keep the sex a secret.
Hope you have a wonderful week!!

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