Sunday, August 24, 2008

Will I Pop or no???

Week 24 stats: My Weight: 162 Weight Gain: 16 lbs (3 lbs less than 21 weeks) Baby's Weight: over 1 lb Baby's length: 12 inches When my belly started to grow, my belly button started to expand. It was big enough I was able to fully clean out my innyouttyitis. I thought that the belly button would expand so much that it popped into an outty. Now, it's gotten really small and kind of squished together. So I'm wondering if this is what happens before it pops. I don't mind having the big crater belly button or the little squished inny, but I'd rather my belly button stay a cute little inny and not pop into an outty. I know there are band-aid type things that you can tape over your belly button to hide it if it pops, but that seems a little uncomfortable. Let's just hope that I keep my inny and don't have to worry about it. The baby is still very active. The baby doesn't have a regular routine, but moves very frequently throughout the day and night. He doesn't move enough at night to keep me awake, so that is a good thing. The baby is also big enough, and moves enough that I get kicked and punched on different sides of the belly at the same time. Or, I'll get a thump at the top and then a thump on the bottom within a few seconds. The baby is also big enough that I can feel where he is sometimes. It's really cool to be able to move my hand over my belly and feel the one hard lump where the baby is, and then the baby moves to get away from my pushing and proding. Matt still yells at me to stop. He thinks I'm bothering the baby and that it's rude. He wants me to just let the baby be. How can I do that when it's so much fun to feel the baby????? The baby is also getting hiccups more often, but still not what I would call a lot. The baby had hiccups twice today and that was more than normal. As for our furbabies, they had their first training session yesterday and it went very well. We are using clickers and treats to train them. We began with a name recognition game and also worked on commands sit, down, and touch. Touch is a focusing techniqe that will help with walking them on the leash later on. We also got a new collar called a canny collar. It is similar to the gental leader, but much thicker and will last longer. Our dogs have already ripped quite a few gental leaders. We have a lot of homework to do, but it is fun to work with the dogs. Next week we are going to work on a command for the dogs to 'GO TO YOUR PLACE' and have them (well mainly Bella) go lay down on a spot designated for her. We are also working on the command "back-up" so that they don't crowd you when you walk in the door. Avery is doing very will with her name, sit, and down. She is very independant and not wanting to work very hard for her treat so it will take a while for her. Bella, on the other hand, is excelling at everything. She is really good at touch, but will go in front and sit facing you to get her treat. The goal is for her to walk behind you and touch her nose to your hand so that she is following you. We havent' tried her on the canny collar, but we will be taking them both out in a little bit and I will take each of them out every day to learn to walk nice only on the left side. I think both the dogs and us will be happier once we are done with this training. It will be easier for the dogs to know that we are in charge and to know exactly what we expect from them. It will take a lot of work everyday for that to happen, but we are up for the challenge. Well, that's about all for now. Hope everyone is doing well!!!

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