Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy 102nd Birthday Grandma Lange!!!

My Great-Grandma, Parker's Great-Great-Grandma turned 102 years old on January 31st, can you believe it!! And this fiesty lady lived in her own house, alone, until a couple of years ago. I am very happy that we were able to take a detour to Iowa last week to visit and get a few pictures. If anyone has ever wondered where I get my feistyness from, wonder no more. Here are a couple of stories of Grandma that I have heard. If you have more please share them in the comments. When Grandma was born she was named Cleta, but in school she and her friends all added y's to their names to mess with the teacher. It ended up sticking and she has been known as Cleyta ever since. And to show you how sharp Grandma's memory is... The first thing she say's to my Dad when we entered her room is "Doug, I remember that fight we got into about those red pants", and Dad says, "Grandma, that was 50 years ago". I had my dad tell me the story about the fight on the way home. Grandma was taking my Dad to a County Fair (the flower arranging part with the little old ladies and not the fun rides part) and he had some little red pants. Grandma wanted him to wear the pants with the pocket in the front, but my Dad thought that was how the girls wore them and wanted to wear them with the pocket in the back. And as you could imagine, Grandma won.

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