My little boy has had a pretty busy life in his short 8 weeks. He had his 2 month check up last Tuesday and is growing and progressing beautifully. He was 12 lbs 7 oz and 22 3/4 inches long. He is pretty average for his height, and as we all guessed, a little chunky on his weight. His head is 40.8 cm, that's big. He definitely has Daddy's head and it is so cute. Parker is talking so much right now. He will mimic the different sounds you make, and he is really finding his tounge. Half of his smiles now include his tounge hanging out of his mouth. He can really get his arms and legs going. We have a floor mat that I hang toys on for him. I will hang some toys above his belly so he can hit them with his arms, and see himself in the mirror, and then I hang toys by his feet so that he kicks them. He loves his play gym, and all toys that give him a little bit of independance. He does like to be held, but he really enjoys his time alone.
We have also began working out at the Y. Parker is a little to small to join me on the treadmill but he has been going to the child care at the Y and it seems to be going well. I have yet to return to a screaming baby. It has happened that he is fine when I walk in but will begin to whine and cry once he is handed to me. I take that as a good sign that he missed me.
Parker watching Aunt Cherie open her Shower gifts
Parker watched his first Superbowl this year, and saw his first porn flick all at the same time. Someone Steelers fan hacked into Comcast cable and switched the Superbowl to a porn flick after the Cardinals Fitzgerald made his long TD. Talk about a surprise! At first we thought the porn belonged to the couple whose house we were at, I was pretty embarrassed for them. Turns out it affected all comcast standard definition cable users. That means that children, and even bar patrons across the Tucson area got a free show. It was pretty comical watching the men try to change the channel and usher kids out of the room.
We didn't think Parker was a Cardinals fan, he had messed in his Cardinals onesie each of the other two times he wore it, but he seemed to root for them over the Steelers this year. Parker enjoyed his seat right in front of the big screen. Everyone was into the baby and wanted to hold him, but he wanted nothing to do with them. He would fuss until he was put back in his bouncy in front of the TV. Daddy is very proud of his little Football Fan.
i love his wide eyed pics, he looks so big! ~aunite Kiara
mmmy goodness he's getting so big! ava, too, got to watch her first porno. she got "the talk" on the way home. hahaha.
parker is a beautiful baby.
see you soon!!
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