Saturday, February 28, 2009

Some pics from my phone

Some updates on Parker... He is growing so fast. He has the chunkiest thighs. I remember being able to hold both of his hips in one hand, not anymore!! Parker LOVES to play with his toys, doesn't matter if it's his play gym, floor mat, jumperoo, or his new high chair. He has started puposefully reaching for his toys. He doesn't know how to open his fingers to grab them so he just pushes them around. He smiles a lot and has a little inverted laugh. Laughing is contagious for him so he will start to smile and laugh if you do. His favorite place to get laughs is on his changing table. I think it's because he can see you so much better and feels free since he isn't being held. He has begun to spit up and drool all over the place. With summer fast approaching his wardrobe will be a diaper or onsie and a bib for the next few months.
Nap Time
Parker's New thing is to suck on his bottom lip, still won't take a paci
"ohhhhh, that was good"
My beautiful boy and his smiles
Trying to be like Dad
PJ in his new high chair

1 comment:

Becky said...

What a cutie! He's growing up so fast! I love that smile, so adorable!!!